
Delivering Value

Scope of work

Brand Identity • Logo Design • Marketing Materials



When Andrew Capland, former head of growth at Postscript, decided to embark on a solo venture, he reached out to me for freelance design work based on our successful past collaboration. Understanding Andrew’s outdoor-oriented personality and the essence of his new brand, Delivering Value, I set out to create a visual identity that would resonate with his target audience while reflecting his personal style. The centerpiece of this project was redesigning the logo to resemble a sticker featuring the company name alongside a map marker, symbolizing Andrew’s love for the outdoors and the precise value he delivers to his clients.

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Building on the logo design, I developed a comprehensive brand identity for Delivering Value, ensuring consistency across various platforms and materials. This included creating ebooks to showcase Andrew’s product offerings, designing a specialized logo for his newsletter, and producing artwork for his podcasts. Each element was crafted to align with the brand’s mission of providing tactical playbooks and leadership skills for growth teams in the tech industry, while maintaining a cohesive visual language that speaks to Andrew’s expertise as a former 2x Head of Growth and his dedication to scaling cross-functional teams in B2B SaaS.

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“Steph is a super talented designer and a breeze to work with. She does awesome work and pushes my brand’s design forward with each project. Can’t say enough great things about working with her!”

Andrew Capland

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